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Print Paper Claims Troubleshooting

In Kareo Practice Management, you may sometimes experience that claims will not print, or only one service line will print. Or you can't transfer the balance to the correct payer. Here are a few common issues that can prevent claims from printing:

Printing Paper Claims

Ensure that the paper claims are being printed properly.

  1. View article Print Paper Claims for instructions on how to print paper claims, a single claim and multiple claims.

Incorrect Claim Status

Each claim status must be at "Ready to send claims" in order for it to appear as a line item on the paper claim.

  1. Click Encounter > Track Claim Status.
  2. Look for the claim and ensure the status is “Ready to send claims.”
  3. If the status is incorrect, select the claim you'd like to rebill and right-click or click Action.
  4. Click Rebill and click Apply.
  5. The system will ask if you want to rebill all claims associated with this encounter. Choose Yesor No.

Incorrect Payer

The claim is printing with incorrect payer information. Instructions below will need to be done individually for all service lines of the claim.

  1. Click Encounter > Track Claim Status.
  2. Look for the claim.
  3. Select the claim and right-click or click Action.
  4. Click Transfer Balance.
  5. Choose the correct payer from Change Status.
  6. Click Apply.

Multiple Payers

Service lines are going to different payers. Transfer the balance of all service lines to the same payer. Instructions below will need to be done individually for all service lines of the claim.

  1. Click Encounter > Track Claim Status.
  2. Look for the claim.
  3. Select the claim and right click or click Action.
  4. Click Transfer Balance.
  5. Choose the correct payer from Change Status.
  6. Click Apply.

Settled Claim Lines

Printed claim is not including settled service lines.

  1. Click Encounter > Print Paper Claims.
  2. Check Include Settled Claims.
  3. Click Print Claims.
  4. Select the print status of the claim.

Zero Dollar Balance Transfer

The claim will not transfer the balance of $0 to a different insurance.

  1. Click Settings > Insurance > Find Insurance Company.
  2. Look for the insurance you are transferring to and open.
  3. Select the Practice Setting tab.
  4. Check “Allow zero balance transfer on claim.”
  5. Click Save.
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