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Tebra Help Center

Customize Reports

All reports are initially displayed on-screen and are filtered by default options. In addition to having the ability to view these reports for a different date or date range, you can also customize most reports by one or more custom filters to display reports for specific providers, patients, service location, payer type, payer scenarios, etc. Once you've made customizations, you can save the report settings as a Customized Report.

To customize a report

  1. Select the report from the Reports menu.
  2. To select a different date range for the report, click the down-arrow on the right of the Date box to make a selection from the pre-set date ranges (e.g., Today, Month-to-Date, Quarter-to-Date, etc.). If you select “Custom”, you can manually enter a specific date range that better meets your needs (use the diagonal [/] symbol to separate the month, day and year). Click the Refresh button to view the report based on new date settings.

Note: In some instances, a report may only show a single date rather than a date range; however, the same principle applies in changing a single date as in changing a date range.

  1. Click the Customize button on the upper right of the report task. This opens the Customize Report view.

Most reports allow you to select one or more filters; which filters are available within any given report will depend upon the report being generated. Below is a list of the most common filters available along with a brief description of the filter.

  1. Make your selections from the available options; and then click OK to regenerate the report.
  2. At any point within a report view, you can either print the report, save it to disk in Microsoft Excel, save it to disk in Adobe Postscript Document Format (PDF); or simply close the report by pressing the Esc key on your keyboard.

To save report settings as a Customized Report

  1. After making your customizations to a report, click Save Report at the top.
  2. Enter a Report Name.
  3. Enter a description.
  4. Select permissions for who can view the customized report.
  5. Select a Time Frame: Each time a user runs the report, the timeframe will apply to the current date. For example, if selecting Month to Date and the report is run on 5/20, the report will run for dates 5/1 – 5/20.
  6. Click Save.

To access save reports

  1. Click Reports > Save Reports in the top menu.

Common Report Filters

Filter Name

Filter Description

A/R Age

Limits the report by A/R age range


Limits the report by patients with activity within specified time frame

Adjustment Code

Limits the report by adjustment code


Limits the report by the balance range; or service line balances due

Balances to Show

Select to show only "Open" or "All" balances

Batch #

Limits the report by batch number


Select the summarization method


Limits the report by contract

Date of Service Age

Limits the report by age of service lines

Date Type

Limits the report by date type


Limits the report by department

Encounter Status

Select encounter status

Group by

Select the grouping option (provider, service location, department, batch #, etc.)

Insurance Company

Limits the report by insurance company

Insurance Plan

Limits the report by insurance plan


Limits the report by patient

Payer Scenario

Limits the report by payer scenario

Payer Type

Limits the report by payer type

Payment Method

Limits the report payment method

Payment Type

Limits the report by payment type

Procedure Code

Limits the report by procedure code


Free-form text box allows a user to filter a report by more than one procedure separated by semicolons and/or a procedure code range using a hyphen (e.g., 99212; 99203-99205; 99214)


Limits the report by provider

Referring Physician

Limits the report by referring physician

Rendering Provider

Limits the report by rendering provider

Resource Type

Limits the report by resource type


Limits the report by currently assigned or ultimate responsibility

Revenue Category

Limits the report by revenue category

Schedule Style

Selects the style for printing appointments (Normal or Fixed Time Slots)

Scheduling Provider

Limits the report by scheduling provider

Service Location

Limits the report by service location

Show A/R Type

Select A/R Type

Show Unapplied?

Show unapplied analysis

Sort By

Sorts the report by field

Start Aging From

Sets the date used for aging the receivables (Last Billed Date, Posting Date, Service Date)


Limits the report by appointment or confirmation status


Select the report style (Normal, Hospital)

Subgroup by

Select the subgroup option (provider, service location, department, batch #, etc.)

Total All Receipts By

Select the method for calculating the receipts for all providers

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